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Baltic DMC Group is Tour Operator, providing inbound and outbound travel services for business and leisure trips.

Company was founded in 2007 and  is the member of ALTA.

Since year 2014 company is registered in TATO, Licence Nr T-2019-10.

Our main pride is team – professionals with more than 15 years experience in tourism business.  


The main Customers are numerous successful private as well as state owned Companies, Businessmen and Individual Clients with high demands regarding every detail of their business or leisure trip.


Thanks to experience, competences and responsibility of Company’s team, Clients get an excellent service for reasonable costs, so they can effectively focus on their business with no worries regarding trip.

Our Customer feedback HERE

Privacy policy you can see HERE

Directive 2009/22/EC OF THE of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on injunctions for the protection of consumers' interests. More information HERE  

About Cookies HERE

2017.gada 23.janvārī  "Baltic DMC Group" ir noslēgts līgumu Nr SKV-L-2017 /30 ar Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūru par atbalsta saņemšanu pasākuma “Starptautiskās konkurētspējas veicināšana” ietvaros, ko līdzfinansē Eiropas Reģionālās attīstības fonds.

Working Hours:

Monday - Friday 9AM – 5PM

Saturday - Sunday Closed

Dear Guests and Partners, you are always welcome in our office and we will be pleased to meet you, but, as we don't have an  open office, please contact us before coming, so we can prepare Coffee for you:) 

LTD "Baltic DMC Group"

Address: Ķimeņu street 1-1, Rāmava, LV-2111

Reg. Nr:40003966110

VAT Reg. Nr:LV40003966110

Swedbank AS

IBAN Account No. LV56HABA0551037675070


Phone: 371 24115850


Working Hours:

Monday - Friday 9AM – 5PM

Saturday - Sunday Closed

Dear Guests and Partners, you are always welcome in our office and we will be pleased to meet you, but, as we don't have an  open office, please contact us before coming, so we can prepare Coffee for you.
Tourism Licence Nr: T-2019-10

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